Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Fountain...

Well, I will honestly say that I have rarely seen a movie have such a profound effect on me. "The Fountain", written by Darren Aronofsky, is a story about life, death, hope and most of all love. I don't want to tell you to much. It is a story that has different effects for different people. The first time I saw this film I took a date, a trendy punk girl, who grew up here in San Diego. Not that it is a bad thing, but she was especially shallow and pretentious. I walked out of the theater looking at this pretty woman and thought, "How great would it be, to have something greater than yourself, to share your life with." She looked at me gazing into her eyes and flat out said,"I hated it...to much dumb music and I really just didn't get it." After I slept with her I decided that she was not the one for me. I am kidding! I am kidding! Just seeing if everyone is awake. I did drop her off thinking, man it must suck not to have been touched by a story as heart filled as the one we just had experienced.

Anyways days turned into weeks and weeks into months until I saw that it was being released onto DVD. An opportunity to share this great story with someone who might actually appreciate this. I thought for a long time, who would like this story, I was at a lost. I do not have that many friends out here and the ones I do keep around balance me, meaning they are not deep, heart broken, emotional wrecks such as myself. More the crazy spontaneous type. See they keep my mind off the things a Scorpio, such as myself, might linger and decay on. So I went to the video store, having just went to the local Coin Star and emptying a cup full of quarters, and picked myself up "The Fountain" and "Pan's Labyrinth" (An excellent movie as well, had my hairs on end at times.), and brought them home along with an order of Carne Asada Fries. If you have never tried them, please do your self a favor, find out the best authentic Mexican Food Restaurant, and order them. My roommate, funny enough, was in the midst of devouring a burrito himself. I smiled and sat next to him and loosely suggested that we watch a movie while we chowed. He grunted something that could be construed as acceptance and I popped open the PS2, put in "The Fountain", and sat back to my meal.

96 great minutes later, I looked over to my roommate and sort of eye nudged him "What do you think?" He looked at me and said, "Woah, I don't think could go through that." I asked if he meant the movie or the story. He cut me off before I could finish my question and said, "I would rather die than have that love and lose it." I laughed in pure happiness and listened as he gave me his rundown on the movie. He got it. I am leaving out what else we actually spoke of to save your eyes from the truth of this incredible movie. I guess I really just started to write tonight on the mission of sharing a great experience and stretched into a story of views, but for yourself, rent "The Fountain" and really think about the story and if it isn't to much trouble, let me know what you think or better yet feel.

Sincerely Phil

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