Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Top 50 Movies of All Time!

I know alot of people have their own ideas of what is a great movie and I tell you the total truth...these movies have helped mold me into the person I am. That might seem weird and please once you see the list don't call the cops. I hope you enjoy and make an effort to see the bulk of these movies!
These are in order of my favorites.

  1. Almost Famous
  2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  3. Shawn of the Dead
  4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Original 90's)
  5. Kung Fu Hustle
  6. Star Wars Trilogy IV, V, VI
  7. Battle Royale
  8. Big Trouble in Little China
  9. The Fountain
  10. Rockstar
  11. V for Vendetta
  12. What's Eating Gilbert's Grape
  13. The Prestige
  14. Red Dawn
  15. The Matrix
  16. Boondock Saints
  17. Detroit Rock City
  18. Brave Heart
  19. Batman Begins
  20. Spiderman
  21. Serenity
  22. Green Street Hooligans
  23. Army of Darkness
  24. Duel to the Death
  25. Gladiator
  26. Grandma's Boy
  27. The Incredibles
  28. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  29. Desperado
  30. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  31. Conan the Barbarian
  32. Rocky
  33. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  34. The Shawshank Redemption
  35. Trainspotting
  36. Oceans 11
  37. 12 Monkey's
  38. SE7EN
  39. Nightwatch
  40. Pan's Labyrinth
  41. Rushmore
  42. Fight Club
  43. Iron Monkey
  44. The Last Dragon
  45. Pirates of the Caribbean
  46. The Girl Next Door
  47. Hot Fuzz
  48. Legend
  49. Night of the Living Dead
  50. Goonies
Well and there it is...I hope you enjoy and check out some that you haven't seen.

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