Thursday, June 28, 2007

How will it end

"I know you are meant for something more..." I have heard this told to me over and over again in my life. I have no idea what it is that would be "more", but I guess they might be meaning, I should be doing something else with my life. So now I sit here like I have one thousand times before and ponder what it is I want to do in my mortal guise. My body screams for the ultimate level of competition and the familiar touch of a loved one. My mind struggles for an outlet that might satisfy its ever growing hunger for expression. Finally my soul exhaustingly grasps for the answers that have eluded me since the day the light of God ceased to shine brightly upon my path. I have been working hard and trying to just mindlessly dive into that life every other person seems capable of. The working stiff, the social zombie, the sheep, I cant do it, I cant become that. I clock into work and the first thing I think of is what I am going to do once I get out of there. I feel the crush of the cooperate wheels and gears slamming against my body. So what do I do? Will the answers ever just come or do I keep searching under every stone and dark corner I come upon. Well, I took a first step and had a dream. I possible path I created for myself. The first step was to realize that there are no bounds to who or what I am and or could be. Second, I met an angel. I don't mean the kind with feathers and halos, but the kind that God might send you in a movie. I didn't know why this person was glowing, and I didn't understand why she came into my life at such a dark personal time, but she is here and she has revitalized my own dreams by showing how passionate a person could be about their own. I was her not two years ago. So now I am working, and guess what, I work with the mindset that every minute I am in that place, is one more dime closer to my dream, one more lesson, one more meal. I am pursuing it, and I will not allow anything or anyone to stand in my way. It is because of my strength, my brothers uncanny understanding of my soul, my moms desperate love for a son not to give up what she might have by giving me life, and most of all a chance meeting of a girl from Lubbock, Texas by way of the world and obvious to anyone who meets her...upon high.

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