Friday, June 29, 2007 can this continue

Tidal wave hit me today, well a metaphorical one but a tidal wave all the same. I felt pretty down today and actually went home kinda early, which everyone knows I am usually the guy who is going home late. I guess we all have our days when gravity feels that much more intense and the sun beats down just a little hotter. I decided I needed to reset and came home, took a nap in the first time for close to 3 months (use to be an avid napper) and woke up refreshed, had some nice chicken breast and brown rice and just relaxed. I think sometimes we all need to acknowledge weakness in our soul and confront it head on. My weakness is wanting of another person. Nobody in particular and I guess that is why I am still alone, I cannot bring myself to just settle and for now my dream will be my mistress. I am also realizing that this is the second post in so many days, pretty amazing for me, but I do plan on making this habit, this is my vent for now (not my clutch GREG) and will utilize it. A couple of things have happened that suck, but I will deal with them. I am a lot more creative during this personal renaissance and my brother and I have started to create a world together and hopefully will flesh out over the next couple of years. Well I am going to go chillax and watch a couple of fight vids peacefully drifting off into sleep and waking up to another great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the vent/cluthch reference that was hilarious!!! I can remember laying in bed with you calling gregory and laughing our ass off while he read that!!!